[PROFILE]YUI ~A Piece of Life Story~

Konbawa minna~san~! watashi wa Admin Rianessance.Gomenasai minggu lalu aku tidak bisa ONLINE untuk memulai "1st Japanese Project" ^ ^a.

Ok spesial untuk tulisan pertama di Koreanessance,aku akan membahas profil dari "YUI".Jangan bingung penyanyi Jepang dengan nama YUI memang ada banyak,ada si imut Yui Horie juga Yui Aragaki,dll.Tapi penyanyi bernama asli Yui Yoshioka ini lebih suka jika disebut dengan YUI saja.

Bagi K-FEVER(J-Friends ^ ^a) yang pernah menonton anime "Bleach" tentu tidak asing dengan pelantun tembang OST.ke-5 Bleach "Rolling Star" dan "LIFE" asal Jepang kelahiran Fukuoka, Prefektur Fukuoka, 26 Maret 1987 ini.Untuk mudahnya aku tuliskan dalam biography.

Nama panggung: YUI
Nama Asli: Yui Yoshioka
Asal: Fukuoka, Jepang
Tanggal Lahir: 26 Maret 1987 (masih 24 tahun
Tinggi: 155 cm
Gol Darah: AB
Bintang: Aries
Chinese Zodiac: Kelinci
Tinggi Badan: 155 cm
Hobi: Main gitar akustik, Nonton film, Membaca,Bermain bulu tangkis
Tempat Favorit: pantai Shingu, Laut Niimiya
Genre musik: JPOP dan JROCK
Website: www.yui-net.com

Hal yang paling identik dengan YUI adalah "suara" merdunya yang khas dan "Gitar" tentunya ^ ^.Kepopuleran yang diraih YUI sekarang ini tidaklah semudah mengucapkan Bim Sala Bim jadi apa prok~prok~prok~ *Tekanan menulis tengah malam ~xD*.

YUI meniti karir musiknya benar-benar dari titik 0.Bagaimana tidak? YUI kecil hidup tanpa sempat merayakan kasih sayang seorang ayah jadi YUI di rawat dan dibesarkan hanya oleh jerih payah ibundanya.Akan tetapi sejak kecil YUI selalu dikelilingi oleh musik,sampai dia beranjak dewasa. Ketika masih SD, Yui bercita-cita menjadi seorang penyanyi.
Masa-masa SMP,YUI mulai tertarik untuk menulis lagu,ia mulai menulis lirik lagunya sendiri sewaktu di kelas 3 SMP. Yui sangat bercita-cita menjadi penyanyi,dan kemanapun YUI pergi,gitar tak lepas dari punggungnya.

Sambil bersila di atas kasur, Yui memainkan gitarnya dan menulis lagu pertama yang diberi judul “Why Me”.Setelah itu, ia mulai menyanyi di pinggir jalan di kawasan Tenjin, Fukuoka sebagai atraksi pembuka bagi teman satu tempat kursus musiknya.

Beranjak ke masa SMA,ekonomi keluarganya mulai sulit,Karena itu YUI sering bekerja sampingan untuk membantu kehidupannya dengan ibunya, juga untuk membiayai sekolahnya.Akibat terlalu sibuk dengan kerja sampingan dan sekolahnya, dia jadi tidak ada waktu yang cukup untuk musik dan pada akhirnya, dia jatuh sakit T_T.Nah,sewaktu dia dirawat di rumah sakit,YUI berpikir kalau musik dan sekolah tidak bisa berjalan berdampingan,karena ia tidak akan mungkin bisa menjalankan keduanya.

Setelah dia keluar dari rumah sakit dia menjalani hidupnya dengan musik, dia ikut ke dalam grup band yang biasa dilihatnya di jalanan, yaitu Bianco Nero. Setelah beberapa konser dengan band itu YUI mengutarakan keinginannya kepada band tersebut untuk megikuti jejak mereka di dunia musik.Bianco Nero merekomendasikan YUI untuk masuk sekolah musik.YUI memutuskan keluar dari sekolahnya dan mulai serius belajar menulis lagu dan bermain gitar.

Untuk menjadi seorang Profesional dia terus melatih diri, salah satu usahanya adalah membawa gitar dan bernyanyi di depan Stasiun Tenjin di Fukuoka. YUI berkeliling membawa gitarnya dan bernyanyi di sekitar pintu masuk Stasiun Tenjin Fukuoka. Meskipun pemalu, YUI menikmati penampilan jalanannya.

Awal karier Yui sebagai seorang "YUI" berawal ketika dia di rekomendasikan oleh seseorang untuk mengikuti audisi "SD Audition" yang diadakan Sony Music Japan pada bulan Maret 2004.Dalam audisi itu hanya disarankan untuk menyanyikan dua lagu tetapi Yui menyanyikan 3 lagu "Why me", "It's happy line", dan "I know" membuat para juri memberikan nilai tinggi kepadanya,setelah itu banyak perusahaan yang berebut untuk mendapatkan YUI.Setelah itu pada tanggal 24 Desember 2004 Yui merilis single debutnya “It’s Happy Line” dibawah label indie Leaflet Record.

Perusahaan rekaman menjadi saling berebut untuk mengontraknya. Lagu pertama yang dinyanyikannya, “Why Me” nantinya dijadikan single perdana, diikuti dengan “It’s Happy Line” dan “I Know”. Keduanya diterbitkan sebagai single indie debutnya.Sebagai penghargaan kepada kampung halamannya,Yui menulis lagu berjudul “Feel My Soul” ketika meninggalkan kampung halamannya,Fukuoka.Seorang produser dari stasiun televisi Fuji TV mendengar video klip demo lagu tersebut dan bermaksud menjadikannya sebagai lagu tema serial drama di Fuji TV. Debut single Yui, “Feel My Soul” yang dirilis 23 Februari 2006 dijadikan lagu tema serial drama "Fukigen na Gene".Serial drama tersebut dihiasi lagu-lagu Yui, seperti “Feel My Soul” dan “It’s Happy Line”. Single “Feel My Soul” laku di atas 100 ribu keping,
Sayang 3 single berikutnya yang juga merupakan favoritku,“Tomorrow’s Way”, “Life”, dan “Tokyo” ternyata tidak sesukses “Feel My Soul” :(.Padahal lagu "Tokyo" ini punya lirik dan "latar belakang" yang menurutku bisa membuat orang terharu(menangis).

Setelah merilis 4 buah single,album pertama Yui yang berjudul From Me To You dirilis bulan Februari 2006 dan laku di atas 200 ribu keping.
Selain itu, iklan televisi ponsel KDDI layanan “au Listen Mobile Service” memakai single ke-8 Yui, “CHE.R.RY” sebagai lagu tema. Sementara itu, album kedua, Can’t Buy My Love menduduki puncak tangga album Oricon selama 2 minggu berturut-turut, dan laku lebih dari 500.000 keping. Single ke-9 berjudul “My Generation/Understand” dirilis 13 Juni 2007, sekaligus merupakan single pertama Yui yang berbentuk double A-Side (dua lagu unggulan di sisi A). My Generation menjadi lagu tema untuk serial drama Seitosho-kun, dan “Understand” menjadi lagu tema film Sidecar ni Inu. Single ke-10, “Love & Truth”, dirilis 26 September 2007, merupakan lagu tema dari film yang dibintangi oleh Erika Sawajiri, yang berjudul Closed Note.

Single ke-11 YUI berjudul “Namidairo” bernada gelap dan sedih. Sementara single ke 12 nya “Summer Song” dirilis 2 Juli 2008 berhasil mencapai penjualan tertinggi di minggu pertama Oricon Chart.Album ketiganya dirilis pada 9 April 2008, yang diberi judul I Loved Yesterday, yang terjual lebih dari 400 ribu copy.
Album kompilasi B-side pertamanya,My Short Stories dirilis akhir tahun dengan Hit Single berjudul “I’ll Be”. Lagu ini menjadi jingle iklan Sony Walkman di Jepang. Setelah peluncuran single ini,YUI memutuskan untuk istirahat beberapa bulan agar lebih fokus pada proyek tahun depan.

Pada 3 Juni 2009, Single terbaru YUI berjudul “again” diluncurkan sebagai OP anime “Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood”. “again” berhasil meraup penjualan sebanyak 110.000 copies di minggu pertama. Single ini akhirnya menjadi peringkat satu dalam penjualan minggu pertama paling tinggi pada 2009. Sedangkan single berikutnya, “It’s All to Much/Never Say Die” juga meraup kesuksesan yang sama. Kedua lagu tersebut (It’s All to Much dan Never Say Die) silih berganti menempati peringkat 1 Oricon Chart.
Single terbarunya, “GLORIA” dirilis awal tahun 2010 dengan nuansa musim dingin. Single ini kembali merajai Oricon Weekly Sales.Dengan ini, YUI berhasil memegang predikat empat single konsekutif (empat single terakhirnya menduduki puncak oricon berturut-turut).

Single berikutnya “To Mother” dirilis Juni 2010.Setelah 2 tahun dan 3 bulan setelah I Loved Yesterday dirilis, album barunya, Holidays In The Sun dirilis pada tanggal 14 Juli 2010.Single terbarunya yang bernuansa hujan, “Rain” dirilis tanggal 24 November 2010.Lalu pada tahun 2011,tepatnya 5 oktober lalu YUI merilis single "Green a Live",yang katanya tercipta lewat emosi dan pikiran yang YUI rasakan setelah mengunjungi sekolah di daerah yang terkena akibat gempa dan tsunami Tohoku 2011 pada tanggal 7 Juli 2011,YUI juga sempat melakukan konser amal."Green a Live" sebelumnya sudah di preview di acara School of Lock,Tokyo FM radio pada 22 Agustus.

Pada 2 November 2011, album Yui How Crazy Your Love telah dirilis.Yui memulai tur kelima utamanya pada tanggal 11 November 2011 untuk mempromosikan album ini.

Oh iya YUI juga pernah menjajal kemampuan aktingnya lewat film berjudul Song of The Sun (Taiyou no Uta).Film tersebut diputar di Festival Film Cannes 2006~!.Dan dirilis di Jepang pada 17 Juni 2006. Single ke-5, “Good-bye Days” khusus ditulisnya untuk film Song of the Sun. Disusul dua single lainnya yaitu “It’s happy line” dan “skyline”.Film ini populer lho,tapi bagi yang belum pernah menonton kisah menyentuh yang satu ini nanti akan kubuatkan reviewnya ^ ^a.

At last,maaf kalo terlalu panjang,karena aku menyisipkan single-single dan discography album YUI di atas ^ ^a.Hal yang bisa kita ambil sebagai perlajaran dari kisah hidup YUI adalah kemauan dan kerja kerasnya yang tiada henti,meski YUI mengambil pilihan yang sulit,saat dia memutuskan sekolahnya,YUI melangkah maju dan tidak menyerah ^ ^.

Special thanks untuk en.Wikipedia.org tentunya,juga untuk para komentator di segmen [Sharing Room]Koreanessance.

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[L/Myungsoo] Jikyeobwa wat janha ni sarangeul gin ibyeoreul

[Woohyun] neul sangcheo badeul ba en nan ge na, ah

[Sungjong] kkok baro bwa, uneunge shilheoseo geurae

[Sunggyu] apeunge himdeureo geurae, geureon neol bolttae mada[ALL]
naekkeo haja, naega neol saranghae, eo? naega neol geokjeonghae, eo?
naega neol kkeut kkaji, chaekim jil ge
naekkeo haja, niga nal aljanha, eo? niga nal bwat janha, eo?
naega neol kkeut kkaji, jikyeo julge

[Sungyeol] Do you hear me… Do you hear me… oh

[Hoya] jeojeun gieok bakhin nungil kkeut nae
pumeseo jukkil barae

[Dongwoo] jallin maeumi heullin nunmul samki neun geon
naji magi deullin neora do gamchu neun na

[L/Myungsoo] neom chinda saenggakhae neon na ege neul geuraesseo

[Sunggyu] ni sangcheo ga neul surok keoji neun mam

[Sungjong] naegero wa, utneunge johaseo geurae

[Woohyun] pyeon hage haejuryeo geurae, jeogeo do namaneun neol

naekkeo haja, naega neol saranghae, eo? naega neol geokjeonghae, eo?
naege neol kkeut kkaji, chaekim jil ge
gati gaja, himdeun gil geod jima, eo? shwibji anhat janha, eo?
dashi neun geureon neol, bogi shilheo (Oh)
naekkeo haja, naega neol saranghae, eo? naega neol geokjeonghae, eo?
naega neol kkeut kkaji, chaekim jil ge

[Dongwoo] da tujin anheul kka, sangcheo tto aneul kka
kkeunhim eobtneun apeun gori e
hangsang sori eobtneun jeonjaeng neon murihae
geokjeong ye bang paero nan ni ape

[Hoya] naneun dal cheoreom ni juwil dolgo dora
buri keojyeo beorin ni sarangeun nohgo nalbwa
gipi paeyo beorin sangcheo, deopeo julge
utge, halge, naegeollo mandeulge


I've watched over you
Over all your loves and your long breakups
If you're always going to get hurt, it's better to be with me
Look clearly- I just don't like it when you cry
It hurts me to see you in pain

Be mine, I will love you
I will worry about you
I will take responsibility for you till the end

Be mine, you know me
You've seen me for all this time
I will protect you till the end

Do you hear me
Do you hear me oh

All those tear drenched memories-
I hope they will all die within my embrace
Even if I hear you softly swallowing your tears
with your broken heart, I will hide it

You are overflowing, as you've always been to me
As your scars increase, my love for you increases
Please come to me, cus I love your smile
cus I want to make you comfortable
At least for me to you

Be mine, I will love you
I will worry about you
I will take responsibility for you till the end

Let's go together, don't walk the hard path
It wasn't easy for you
I just don't want you to go through that again

Be mine, I will love you
I will worry about you
I will take responsibility for you till the end

I worry if you'll fight again
I worry if you'll be hurt again
In your painful helplessness
This silent battle is too much for you
With my shield of worries in front of you
Like a moon I revolve around you
Take your extinguished love and look at me
I will cover your deeply wounded scars
I will make you smile, I will make you mine

Special Thanks to:

Eat Your Kimchi tampil di Star King dengan Super Junior, f(x), dan Infinite

Minggu lalu, Simon dan Martina dari Eat Your Kimchi tampil di “Star King” bersama dengan Super Junior, f(x), dan Infinite! Wow! Di acara tersebut, mereka “menculik” beberapa idol dan bercanda akan mengirim mereka ke berbagai negara yang berbeda. Simak potongan videonya di bawah ini:

Di channel resmi YouTube milik Eat Your Kimchi. telah di upload beberapa potongan video dari acara Star King yang tidak ada pada tayangan di TV. Di video yang pertama ini, EYK menari dengan Super Junior, membuat mereka berbicara dalam bahasa-bahasa yang berbeda, dan kemudian membuat mereka melelang barang milik mereka. (Semuanya bersorak ketika Eunhyuk melepas sabuknya!) Cek juga tarian Shindong yang super sexy.

Di video berikutnya, mereka meminta f(x) untuk melakukan beberapa variasi dari tarian “Hot Summer” (contohnya; R&B, sexy, cute, dan cool). Langsung saja cek video di bawah ini. (Amber dan Shindong terlihat cool di sini…)

Ngomong-ngomong, banyak orang berkomentar tentang tinggi badan antara Eat Your Kimchi vs. Super Junior. Simon dan Martina adalah orang yang sangat tinggi (6’4″ dan 5’7″ berturut-turut (saya kurang tahu kalau dikonversi ke ukuran cm)), dan Martina tampil dengan mengenakan alas kaki yang tipis, itulah mengapa banyak yang berkomentar tentang tinggi badan mereka!

NB: author tidak menemukan video EYK bersama dengan Infinite….mian ya…
Special Thanks to:
Photo credit to sup3rjunior.wordpress.com
blogpost to asianfansclub.wordpress.com
Source: Eat Your Kimchi, starkingsbs@YouTube via soompi

indtrans : luphleeylyalya@asianfansclub


Infinite's L Cast in "Jiu: Keishichou Tokushuhan Sousakei"

Infinite's L will be playing the role of a criminal mastermind in Japanese drama, "Jiu: Keishichou Tokushuhan Sousakei".L has been cast alongside Kuroki Meisa and Tabe Mikako.

The drama is based on a series of novels penned by Honda Tetsuya, chronicling two female detectives who work together to track down a man responsible for a string of brutal murders.

The two main characters are polar opposites of each other, making them a unique team. Motoko (played by Kuroki) is a fierce and physically-capable, while Misaki (played by Tabe) is kind-hearted and relies more on her intellectual.

The criminal is described as a good-looking young man with blond hair who "knows no pain". He also has outstanding vision and killer (no pun intended) reflexes.

TV Asashi will be airing the series sometime in July, on Fridays at 11:15pm.

About C.N. BLUE

CN Blue (Korean: 씨엔블루), stylized as CNBLUE, are a South Korean rock band formed in Seoul in 2009. The band consists of Jung Yong Hwa (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Lee Jong Hyun (lead guitar, vocals), Lee Jung Shin (bass guitar, vocals) and Kang Min Hyuk (drums, vocals). "CN is an abbreviation of ‘Code Name’ while BLUE is an abbreviation of the members’ individual images," said by one of the members. ‘Burning’ represents Lee Jong Hyun, ‘Lovely’ represents Kang Minhyuk, ‘Untouchable’ represents Lee Jung Shin, and ‘Emotional’ represents Jung Yong Hwa. Debuted on 19 August 2009 in Japan with the band's first mini album, Now or Never. They were coined as the "2nd FT Island". The group released four teasers for their 1st album Bluetory, starring one member per each of the videos in the sequence of Jonghyun, Minhyuk, Jungshin and lastly, Yonghwa on the 6th, 8th, 11th and 13 January respectively. On 14 January, CN Blue debuted their first mini-album with the lead single "I'm a Loner" (Korean: 외톨이야).History
[edit] 2009: Debut, Now or Never, and Voice

In mid-June 2009, CN Blue began to perform on the streets and in live clubs in Japan.[1] As an indie band, they formally debuted on August 19, 2009 with Now or Never. The mini album was recorded completely in English, and failed to chart on the Japanese national music chart. Later, in November, the second extended play was released entitled Voice. Voice peaked at position 227, and stayed on the Oricon for two weeks, and was recorded mostly in English but also in Japanese. Also that year former Bassist Kwon Kwang Jin left CN Blue in late September after the release of CN Blue's first mini album. Kwang Jin was replaced by Lee Jungshin later that year.
[edit] 2010: Korean debut, ThankU, and other activities

In January, FNC Music unveiled new teaser pictures for CN Blue's debut in South Korea. Bluetory was released on January 14, 2010. It stayed at the top of the Gaon Chart for two weeks. "I'm a Loner" (Korean: 외톨이야) was promoted as the title track. The song peaked at number two, solidifying their break into the industry. The group had their first televised live stage on KBS Music Bank on January 15. Later, on January 29, the group won their first music show chart win on Music Bank.

The group debuted their new reality show on Korean music channel Mnet, titled "CN Bluetory," on February 10. In March, the band started preparations for their first full length album ThankU. It was released on March 20, 2010, with only one new track. The album peaked at number 90 on the Oricon charts, their highest thus far. Later, in April, their official fanclub name was announced as BOICE, a combination of "blue" and "voice."

CN Blue headed back to Korea in May and released their next promotional single, "Love Light" (Korean: 사랑 빛), on May 10, 2010. The song peaked at number 10 on the Korean national chart and foreshadowed their upcoming release. On May 19, the second extended play was released, named Bluelove. It was promoted with the track "Love," which charted at number 2, matching the success the band found earlier with "I'm a Loner." Bluelove peaked at number 3, but stayed on the chart for many weeks. CN Blue held their comeback stage on M!Countdown the following day.

After success in Korea, the band headed back to Japan. They released their first single "The Way" on June 23. For the first time, they charted within the Oricon top 40 at number 26. The release was followed by "I Don't Know Why" on September 16 the same year. The song reached number eight on the Oricon daily chart, marking the first time the band made it inside the top 10. On the weekly chart, they peaked at number 15. On the Japanese indie top chart, the band reached number one.[2] The band embarked on a small tour across Japan in order to promote the single.[3]

CN Blue members Kang Min Hyuk and Lee Jong Hyun will star in the Korean movie "Acoustic." They released a song from the OST on October 7 entitled "High Fly" that peaked at number 98 on the Gaon Chart.[4]
[edit] 2011: Re-maintenance and First Step

On January 9, they released their 3rd Japanese single, Re-maintenance. They started off their 2011 Japanese promotions with a Zepp Tour in 4 cities: Osaka, Fukuoka, Nagoya and Tokyo from January 9–16.[5]

FNC Music, their entertainment agency in South Korea, released teasers for a CN Blue comeback for February in 2011.[6] However, it was later changed to a March 21 release date.[7] The teaser was noted for having a "more of the same departure from their pop rock sound into a heavier concept."[8]

Name: Jeong Yong Hwa (정용화)
Japanese Name: チョン・ヨンファ
Birthdate: 06.22.1989
Position: Vocal and Guitar
Height & Weight: 180cm, 63kg
Blood Type: A
Hobby: Appreciating music
Specialty: Clarinet, Beatbox
Attraction: Side teeth
A Career: SBS Drama ‘You’re Beautiful’ as Kang ShinWoo

Name: Lee Jong Hyun (이종현)
Japanese Name: イ・ジョンヒョン
Birthdate: 05.15.1990
Position: Leader Guitar and Vocal
Height & Weight: 182cm, 64kg
Blood Type: O
Hobby: Appreciating music, exercising
Specialty: Judo
Attraction: Chic smile

Name: Kang Min Hyuk (강민혁)
Japanese Name: カン・ミンヒョク
Birthdate: 06.28.1991
Position: Drums
Height & Weight: 184cm, 60kg
Blood Type: A
Hobby: Soccer, Basketball
Specialty: Flute
Attraction: Smiling eyes

Name: Lee Jung Shin (이정신)
Birthdate: 09.15.1991
Position : Bass
Hobby: Appreciating music
Specialty: Rap, Bass
Attraction: Eyes

Name: Kwon Kwang Jin
Japanese Name: クォン・グァンジン
Birthdate: 08.12.1992
Position: Bass
Height & Weight: 186cm, 66kg
Blood Type: AB

Record Label: F&C Entertainment / AI Entertainment
Official Sites: oricon & myspace
C.N Blue is a korean band under F&C Entertainment, but are making their debut in Japan!

2nd FT Island, C.N. Blue Will Debut In Japan
C.N. Blue (Code Name Blue) will be debuting in Japan as an Indie band. Actually, they have been doing various street performances and small gigs, but they will be releasing an official album titled "Now or Never" on August 19th. They are already called the "Second F.T. Island" due to their similar sound and style. In fact, C.N. Blue is actually in the same company as F.T. Island, F&C Music (Fish and Cake Music).

The members are consisted of Jung Yong Hwa (vocal and guitar), Lee Jong Hyun (Vocal, guitar), Kwon Kwang Jin (basist), Kang Min Hyuk (drums). You can listen to their music on their myspace. I have to say, they do not sound exactly like F.T. Island, but they do share similar styles. C.N. Blue has a more street and raw sound, and I'm liking what I hear! Alot!
» Video Clips
C.N.Blue - Now or Never (Live version)
Yong Hwa - Just Please recording

» Schedules
- Upcoming Shows
21 Aug 2009 @ 7:00 PM
24 Aug 2009 @ 6:30 PM
SHINJUKU Marble 新宿, 東京都
27 Aug 2009 @ 6:15 PM
Club Edge Roppongi 六本木, 東京都
28 Aug 2009 @ 5:00 PM
~1st mini album - "Now or Never"~
Release Date: 19th August 2009

Track list
1. Now or Never
2. Let’s Go Crazy
3. Love Revolution
4. Just Please
5. Teardrops in the Rain

~2nd Japanese Mini Album - VOICE~
Release date: 25.11.2009
Language: Japanese (track 1) and English
1. Voice
2. Wanna Be Like U
3. Never too late
4. Y, Why . . .
5. One of a kind
~1st Korean Mini Album - Bluetory~
Release date: 14.01.2010
Language: Korean
01. 외톨이야 (I'm a loner)
02. Love Revolution
03. Y, Why…
04. Now or Never
05. 그럴 겁니다… 잊을 겁니다… (I will... forget you)
C.N Blue - Thank U
Release Date: 2010.03.20
Genre: Rock
Language: English, Japanese

01 Intro
02 Let's Go Crazy
03 Love Revolution
04 Wanna be Like U
05 Never too late
06 Now or Never
07 voice
08 Just Please
09 Y, Why…
10 Teardrops in the Rain
11 One of a Kind
12 a.ri.ga.tou.
Release date: 2010.05.19
Label: FNC Music
Track list:
2. Sweet Holiday
Lyrics by Han Sung Ho, Kang Min Hyuk
3. Black Flower
4. Tattoo
Lyrics by Jung Yong Hwa
Music by Jung Yong Hwa, Han Seung Hoon
Arranged by Han Seung Hoon, Jung Yong Hwa
5. 사 랑 빛 (Love Light)
Lyrics by Jung Yong Hwa
Music by Jung Yong Hwa
Arranged by Kim Jae Yang, Jung Yong Hwa
6. Let’s Go Crazy
Release date: 2010.06.23
Label: AI Entertainment
Track list:
1. part1 ~one time~
Lyrics by Yong Hwa
Composed by Yong Hwa, RYO
Arranged by RYO
2. part2 ~Ready N Go~
Lyrics by Yong Hwa
Composed by HAN SUNG HO, J.SOO
Arranged by J.SOO
3. part3 ~Eclipse~
Lyrics by CUL
Composed by JongHyun, RYO
Arranged by RYO
4. part1 ~one time~ (Instrumental)
Release date: 2010.09.16
Label: AI Entertainment
Track list:
1. I don’t know why
Music by Yong Hwa, RYO
Lyrics by Yong Hwa
Arranged by RYO, Yong Hwa
2. Lie
Music by Jong Hyun, KIM Jae Yang
Lyrics by CUL
Arranged by KIM Jae Yang
3. I don’t know why (Instrumental)
4. Lie (Instrumental)
JAPAN : http://www.cnblue.jp/
KOREA : http://cnblue.co.kr/
UFO : http://www.ufotown.com/event/event_view.asp?ue_idx=199&page=1&totalrow=4
Oricon Blog : http://blog.oricon.co.jp/cnblue/
Official Cafe : http://cafe.daum.net/CNBLUE
Twitter : http://twitter.com/CNBLUE_4
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SM Town Live In Paris Coverage[English Reader]

SM Town Live in Paris occurred June 10th and 11th. JpopAsia was there to cover Europe's biggest K-pop concert.
The Hallyu Wave has been sweeping across the world. With the demand for live K-pop performance abroad increasing, SM Entertainment's live concert series SM Town has gone beyond Asia to become one of the biggest international K-pop concerts. After traveling to Los Angeles on September 4th, 2010, SM Town headed to its second stop outside of Asia: Paris.

Despite the chilly weather and endless rain, thousands of fans began waiting outside of the Zenith de Paris for the concert and to catch their idols entering the building. Those in attendance anxiously awaited for their chance to see many of Korea's biggest stars such as f(x), Girls' Generation, Super Junior, DBSK and SHINee.

As people flooded into the concert hall, the excitement and energy of the crowd was enormous. As the concert neared its start, the lights in the venue went down to reveal a sea of glow sticks. Fans screamed loudly knowing the concert would start soon and somehow managed to scream even louder when the screen started playing the concert's introductory video. The video showed the night's performers bringing together the SM Town logo. As each idol appeared on screen, a new eruption of cheers would occur.

http://i1.jpopasia.com/news/2/7363-p52962xqge.jpg After the introduction video, f(x) was first to take the stage. They performed their debut single "La Cha Ta", then spoke to the crowd, even throwing in some French. Jessica then took the stage alongside her sister Krystal to perform a cover of Ke$ha's "Tik Tok" followed by f(x)'s "Chu~♡".

Next on stage were SHINee, performing their Boys Over Flowers OST hit "Stand By Me" followed by "Replay", "Get Down" and "Juliette". SHINee's unique fashion style and strong dance skills wowed the crowd who went wild for their performances.

http://i1.jpopasia.com/news/2/7363-fc879t9f3j.jpg After a video break, Super Junior took to the stage with "Sorry Sorry Answer". Afterward, Heechul took to the stage not as Heechul, but as his Lady Gaga impersonation, Lady Hee Hee, with a cover of Lady Gaga's hit single "Poker Face". The comedic performances continued as Shindong, Eeteuk and Eunhyuk covered Beyonce's "Single Ladies" performance. During the performance, Shindong's dress fell, exposing his chest to the crowd, adding to the humor of the performance. Afterward, Heechul joined the 3 for a cover performance of Beyonce's "Crazy In Love".

Next, Kyuhyun and Seohyun took the stage for the touching duet "Way Back Into Love". At the end of the performance, the two held each others' hands, looked into their eyes and created a touching moment for the audience. Afterward, Key, Eunhyuk, Shindong and Minho appeared in the stands, causing loud screams of excitement as the rappers made there way through the crowd to reach the stage, performing a cover of YG Family's "A-Yo" together.

After another short break, SNSD went on stage for the first time, performing hit songs such as "Run Devil Run", "My Girl" and "Kissing You". In between performances, the girls would speak to the crowd in French and Korean, allowing French fans to understand their message.

When SNSD finished, Super Junior's Chinese sub group Super Junior M took the stage, performing the Korean version of their smash hit "Super Girl". After talking to the crowd, the rest of the group came on stage to perform another smash hit, "No Other". SNSD took the stage once again, performing "HAHAHA" and "Way To Go" before Super Junior returned with "Miracle" and "Dancing Out".

A short video was played before a set of strong dance performances turned the concert into a party. First on stage was f(x) energetically performing to their hit song "NU ABO" followed SHINee with their song "Ring Ding Dong". Super Junior followed with a rock remix of "Don't Don" followed by "Sorry Sorry".

http://i1.jpopasia.com/news/2/7363-nizrdrs0ye.jpg The next set of performances included f(x)'s "Gangsta Boy" and SHINee's "Hello", "Ready Or Not" and "A.Mi.Go". Afterward, SNSD performed "Hoot" and "Oh!". Onew then took the stage, performing "Nessun Dorma" from the opera "Turandot", delivering a breathtaking performance with flawless vocals that resonated with the audience. Afterwards, SM's best dancers participated in a dance battle. The battle featured strong dance performances from Luna, Enhyuk, Taemin and others to a mix of music.

With the concert nearly 2 1/2 hours in, fans began to become restless since DBSK had still not made an appearance on stage yet. When DBSK finally hit the stage, the crowd erupted in excitement. The duo performed a mix of "They Way You Are" and "Mirotic", "Maximum", "Before U Go" and "Keep Your Head Down". The duo started off their performance by flying backwards from the front stage to the main stage, setting the bar high for the rest of their performance. The duo didn't disappoint, delivering some of the strongest performances of the night. After finishing their set, Super Junior took the stage once again, performing "BONAMANA" and "A Man In Love".

As the concert came to a close, each artist came to the stage one more time for their final performance. f(x) took the stage to perform their latest hit "Pinocchio (Danger)". SHINee's final stage was for the song Lucifer. During the performance, the group was suspended in the air by wires and performed a laser show that drove the audience wild. This was followed by SNSD's "Gee", Super Junior's "U" and DBSK's "Rising Sun".

To end the show, SM Town took the stage to perform "Sorry Sorry Ending" and "HOPE". As the concert ended, everyone came on stage, waving to the crowd and speaking to them in French. Fans ended the show by giving their idols gifts in exchange for gifts they have given them: the gift of music and a memorable experience that no one in the audience will soon forget.

For more exclusive images check out our sister site GoKpop.com

Hi Boice!Wanna Download C.N. BLUE ALBUMS?READ THIS

Language: Korean
Release Date: 2011.03.21

01 직감
02 Love Girl
03 상상 (Imagine)
04 I Don't Know Why
05 사랑은 비를 타고
06 Lie
07 One Time
08 Just Please
09 Wanna Be Like U
10 Ready N Go
11 고마워요
12 One Of A Kind (Bonus Track)

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Download C.N.Blue - First Step

C.N Blue - I Don't Know Why Single(2010)

Language: Japanese
Release Date: 2010.09.16

01 I don't know why
02 Lie
03 I don't know why (Instrumental)
04 Lie (Instrumental)

Download C.N Blue - I Don't Know Why Single

C.N Blue - The Way Single(2010)
01 The Way ~One Time~
02 The Way part 2 ~Ready N Go~
03 The Way part 3 ~eclipse~
04 The Way ~One Time~ (Instrumental)

Download C.N. Blue - The Way Single


C.N. Blue - Blue Love Mini Album

02 Sweet Holiday
03 Black Flower
04 Tattoo
05 사랑 빛
06 Let's Go Crazy

Download C.N Blue - Blue Love Mini Album

C.N Blue - Bluetory Album (2010)
01 외톨이야
02 Love Revolution
03 Y, Why…
04 Now or Never
05 그럴 겁니다... 잊을 겁니다...
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Download C.N.Blue - Bluetory
Download C.N.Blue - Bluetory [LINK 2]